
Showing posts from May, 2020

Possibly open the Park Friday, May 15 with restrictions

Hello, Praying you all are staying healthy and practicing all the guidelines for COVID-19. As I'm sure most of you probably saw today, Governor Northam's update about campgrounds. Governor Northam said he was intending to open the campgrounds on Friday, May 15 but with restrictions that we have been (hopefully) practicing. Now keep in mind, if the confirmed cases of COVID-19 go up before next Friday, he could change the decision to open the campgrounds May 15. Sa y your prayers that doesn't happen. With the possibility of the campground opening on May 15, the water will be tested Monday and Tuesday (May 11-12); the tests will then be sent to the VDH in Richmond; and then we wait for the test results. With that said, the water WILL NOT and CANNOT be turned on UNTIL we get the green light that the water test were ALL GOOD from VDH. That could take a week or so. We have no control over their schedule. Please be patient. If the water tests come back approved, the wate

Park Status: Closed

Hello, I hope and pray each of you and your families are staying healthy. I have received numerous inquiries today concerning the campground opening up. The same restrictions that applied yesterday to OUR campground STILL apply today and will apply to OUR campground until Governor Northam, Virginia's governor, says otherwise. I understand that other campgrounds are open now or will be opening; some with restrictions, some without. We are NOT other campgrounds. So, please, continue abiding by OUR campground guidelines and be patient with this situation that we are all in at this time. Pray that this situation will be over soon and we can get back to camping. Thank you. Take care and be safe. God Bless. Lisa Recording Secretary

2020 Meetings and Membership Information Update

The Meetings and Membership Information pages have been updated with new information for 2020. 2020 Meetings: Membership Information: